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Pepco is one of the Poland’s best employers

Poland’s Best Employers 2021 is a list of 300 companies operating in Poland, whose outstanding achievements in HR have been honored with the title of the best employer.

The list of the best employers in Poland was created for the first time this year, by Forbes Poland in cooperation with the well-known research company Statista.


The data was collected from September to October 2020, and the basis for the study was a list of approximately 1,800 companies employing at least 250 employees in Poland.

The respondents filled in a questionnaire, available through online research panels and on the website forbes.pl. The questionnaire was completed by a total of over 10,000 employees. The questions concerned, among others, the atmosphere in the company, relations between employees and management, working conditions or the assessment of how the company dealt with the reorganization of work in the last year due to the pandemic.


Our company is ranked fourth in this nationwide ranking, ahead of us are only IT industry companies: Google, CD Projekt, Microsoft. However, in the separate category “Clothing, accessories and home appliances”, we won first place.


It is an honor, because it shows how employees perceive our company, whether they are ready to recommend it to other people and whether they see development opportunities in it.


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